Christie Blake
Hey, y’all I’m Christie, a southern mom and real estate agent from Louisiana. I have a very fulfilled life with a loving family and a close circle of friends so I thought I would add to this fulfillment by doing something that I have always wanted to do, which is writing this blog. I am super passionate about my kids and this is why I wanted to do a family-focussed blog that pays attention to everything that I care about in relation to family life and feel like a whole person.
Daily life for our family is grabbing breakfast, carpool the kids to school, get to work, come home and spend a little family time together. This is normally all going out for a family walk with the dogs to the park, which the kids love doing. I will admit that some days are harder than others… We’re only human! But overall I think we have a happy and wonderful life.
This blog focuses on a few different topics including parenting, mental health, family vacations, and comfort food. These are a few things that matter to me the most because I am a parent, stress is a part of everyday life, vacations can be difficult to navigate, and I love cooking great food for my family. I hope that you grab some good advice from my blog and are able to join me on this blogging journey.
Love Christie x